Vice Chair – Justin Rajah

Chair – Betsy Brennan

Purpose: To serve as a bridge for new Rotarians to become acquainted with the club and their fellow Rotarians and to facilitate acquaintance of newer members (Grotarians) with other members and the ideals of Rotary. We also acquaint you with the lore of San Diego Rotary and Rotary International.

Activities/responsibilities: We sponsor regular, unique events to appeal to a variety of interests and host the semi-annual Fireside/Poolside chats. Various committee chairs speak and help you learn more about Rotary. We make new members feel welcome through phone calls, personal outreach and fireside/poolside chats.  Periodically we will take on special projects.

Why join: As a new Rotarian you are automatically a member of this committee for your first year and are encouraged to attend. We get to know one another more quickly by participating on this committee and it’s great fun!