This committee is temporarily inactive as the interview and selection process is currently being done by the school’s administrators.
Purpose: The CADES scholarship, named to honor two long time members Craig Blower and Doug Arbon for their early promotion of science learning, is an annual, multi distribution scholarship to underserved high school seniors who have shown aptitude and interest in the field of STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Math). Club member Bob Kyle’s $35,000 donation to our club, subsequently increased by other donors, will be used to fund the scholarships.
Current Goals: Offer five, $1,000 scholarships with four offered to aspiring STEM professionals in each of Hoover High School’s STEM academies as defined below. These scholarships would be offered based on a combination of both merit and need of the student.
• AOIT (Academy of Information Technology) – sponsored by the National Academy Foundation
• ALMA (Academy of Literature, Media, & Arts) –Students explore their interests through art, drama, music, or writing with emphasis on digital technology.
• AHHC (Academy of Health & Healthier Communities/Faces for the Future) – Students perform their internships at Children’s Hospital.
• SABE (Sustainable Academy of Building & Engineering) – students enrolled in the effort take English, Earth science, geometry, algebra, world history, woodworking, literature and green technology classes that are interrelated with the projects they create.
• The fifth, $1,000 scholarship would be offered as a wild card either within one of the four academies or outside such academies but within Hoover High for CADES (Craig and Doug’s Excellent Scholarship).
Activities/responsibilities: Screen, interview and select the scholarship recipients. Our club designed this scholarship and it is solely funded through the generosity of members of Club 33.