Chair – Julia Holladay

Vice Chair – Andrea Goicoechea

Vice Chair – Brad Sund







Rotarians work with the Voices Of Our City Choir to help our unsheltered neighbors reconnect with hope and possibility through the healing power of music.  The Choir welcomes all of society – unsheltered/homeless individuals, recently sheltered but near poverty line and in fear of returning to homelessness, as well as housed and stable members of our society who want to be a part of the solution. We work together to grow and learn from each other, offer guidance, redirect behavioral issues and encourage transformation. With over 225 members, Voices of Our City Choir weekly Friday rehearsals and programs have become a beacon of hope for those who have lost their direction and humanity through the demoralizing experiencing of homelessness.

Rotarians will assist with the Friday Choir practice with set-up, welcoming choir members, serve lunch and clean-up.  Committee members are encouraged to dine with the Choir as it reinforces their community connection.

Latest News: (if applicable)  Watch the Choir receive the Golden Buzzer at the America’s Got Talent performance…

We may be starting outdoor choir practice in June!

Goals: To encourage Choir participation and help break the cycle of homelessness.

Activities/responsibilities:  Assist with choir rehearsals and become involved as part of the solution.  The Choir will also need assistance for performances.

Why join: Homelessness is a complex problem.  This is an opportunity to work with a nationally renowned organization that is uniquely positioned to make a difference.