Monthly Archives: November 2021

Julie Roland

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Lieutenant Julie Roland is a Naval Aviator, Helicopter Aircraft Commander, and ACTC Level III Mission Commander. She served aboard USS Carl Vinson, USS Lake Champlain, and USS John C. Stennis, and has managed over 20 maintainers while they performed maintenance and upkeep on two MH-60R helicopters in preparation for, and while aboard, the USS Michael Murphy . Having served as an officer for the last seven years, she has led divisions of up to 30 Sailors in the maintenance of helicopters while serving as an aviator and flying the MH-60R. Julie assisted and advised command leadership with multiple legal proceedings as a Legal Officer. After back-to-back deployments in the Persian Gulf and South China, she is now an Aviation Certifying Officer at ATG San Diego, where she certifies flight decks on ships to ensure they are ready for flight operations, and fully manages a budget of $25,000.

Julie credits her parents, her mom who was a yoga instructor and poet, and her dad, a man who wears Birkenstocks, with her drive to help create a better world. As a young child Julie started volunteering for local charities. Then she noted, while considering her future, all of the things the Navy has to offer: service, leadership, team work, the ability to travel the world and “Free College!” matched her personal goals. She graduated Cum Laude from the University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Arts in History, then was commissioned as an Officer through the NROTC program where she was Head of Philanthropy. During her college years, Julie volunteered with diverse organizations such as: Habitat for Humanity, Johnson’s Backyard Garden, Give the Kids the World, Orphanage Outreach and Baltimore Homeless Services.

Just Tryna Make Friends (JTMF) Show, a “backyard variety show” that promotes local artists and builds community, is something she produces in her free time. This show recently became a finalist in San Diego Reader magazine’s “Best of 2021” for Best Neighborhood Event, and Best Place to See Live Music Outside. JTMF is applying for nonprofit status currently. She is a Magician Member of the Academy of Magical Arts, and a member of the League of Women Voters. As a magician in her off-time, she finds ways to defy gravity without the use of Naval Aircraft, making “service above self” an interesting concept for this new Rotarian.

Her sponsors are Duke Sobek, Wendy Urushima-Conn, and Phil Silver.

Linda Lattimore

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Consultant-Social Impact

Linda grew up in Peru and Mexico, then became an attorney and international business woman. She has worked as General Counsel/Chief Compliance Officer for 3 multinationals and is a dedicated and passionate collaborator and architect for change. A well-regarded speaker, published best-selling author (Solutionaries—You are the Answer!) and educator in the field of Sustained Leadership, Linda is committed to models that recognize the significance of social responsibility to a world in need.

Always wanting to serve her family and community, she became interested in the nonprofit sector, helping underserved women all over the world. As a strategic business advisor with a particular focus in the social impact space, she helps individuals through her Solutionaries Academy find work that leaves a positive impact, but is also financially fulfilling. She also founded WGN Global Fund, a women’s business networking group, which specializes in programs to educate the next generation of women about sustainable leadership, and it offers financial assistance to women creating socially responsible business.

Having recently moved back to San Diego from Austin, Linda wants to be very intentional about where she can both learn and add value. She believes Rotary is a wonderful group of kindred spirits and a great opportunity for her to continue to serve. Considering all of Linda’s former addresses have contained two 3s, she feels very at home already in Rotary Club 33.

Judy Thompson, Mike Conner, and Jo Dee Jacob are her sponsors.


Don Wells

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Social Services-Just In Time For Foster Youth, Additional Active

Don Wells is the Chief Empowerment Officer for Just In Time For Foster Youth, which helps to transition foster youth ages 18-26 to achieve self-sufficiency and well-being. He is a graduate of Washington University in St. Louis with degrees in Psychology, History, and Political Science, and a certification to teach secondary education. In 2004, he also earned a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology.

Don began his career as a high school history and psychology teacher before three decades in media as an award-winning artist/animator, writer-producer, news director, project manager, and communications consultant, including receiving the prestigious George Foster Peabody Award. The one constant throughout the years has been Don’s commitment to use his talents and influence to serve the community.

Don was instrumental in the early formation of Just in Time for Foster Youth and used his leadership position at KGTV/ABC10 San Diego to produce a My First Home Extreme Makeover segment, giving JIT much-needed visibility in its infancy. Since then, Don has been a consistent supporter, joining the board in 2009 and assuming the duties of Executive Director (now Chief Empowerment Officer) in 2010.

Don loves being a catalyst for change in the world, learning new things every day and connecting with people in significant conversations. His work/life integration includes watching movies and playing games, being able to work, dance, and laugh with his wife Diane all week long, and spending his time being useful in any way he can.

Sidd Vivek, Michael Brunker and Alan Spector were his sponsors.

Diane Cox

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Social Services-Just In Time For Foster Youth

Diane Wells is the Development Director for Just In Time For Foster Youth. They engage a caring community to help transition age foster youth with critical resources and lasting relationships to achieve self-sufficiency and well-being as they become confident, capable and connected.

A graduate of University of Michigan, Diane was a sales representative for First American Title for 20 years. But prior to that, she was an English teacher, hitch-hiked across the United States, lived in a Zen Monastery on top of a mountain, then started a town paper in northern CA, but ended up joining a commune in southern CA, before deciding she had to actually make a living!

Diane found a way to further leverage her success in the corporate world for the greater good in 2003 when she co-founded Just in Time for Foster Youth, starting with a simple concept of transporting gently used furniture donated by her clients in Rancho Santa Fe and Del Mar to the empty shells of apartments occupied by young adults leaving the foster care system and who had accessed subsidized housing but lacked basic furnishings such as beds, vacuums, and kitchen supplies.

In 2014, Diane joined the staff of Just in Time and graduated from the Hudson Institute of Coaching with the specific intention to develop a coaching model to assist foster youth to heal from adverse childhood experiences and train volunteers to see themselves in partnership with youth who are creative, resourceful and whole. CA2M training has also been provided to other San Diego nonprofits, including Children’s Legal Services, National Charity League San Diego del Norte Chapter, and Community Resource Center.

Alan Spector, Judy Thompson and David Kvendru were her sponsors.