Monthly Archives: January 2019

Shaina Gross

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Shaina is the President and CEO of Susan G. Komen San Diego.

She was born and raised in New York and has been living in San Diego for the last 13 years.  She  has been with Susan G. Komen San Diego since September 2017.  She was previously with The United Way for 11 years. She graduated from The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill with a Bachelors in Sociology and a Masters in Public Heath.

Shaina’s community involvement include working with the San Diego HIV/AIDS Funding Collaborative, the San Diego Workforce Partnership, San Diego Grantmakers, Ocean Beach Town Council and JUMA Ventures. She is a LEAD San Diego graduate.

Shaina and her husband have a 2 1/2 year old son and they enjoy picnics, concerts in the park and watching Tar Heel basketball.

Daniel Amaro, Mel Katz and Gil Johnson were her sponsors.


Rotator – Issue#26, January 24, 2019

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Our next meeting will be on Thursday, January 31. Our guest speaker will be Cathryn Nacario, CEO of the National Alliance on Mental Illness.  Click here for additional program details.   Any questions?  Please contact Mary at

Rotator volume105.26

Be sure to read the following stories in The Rotator:

  • On page 2, find information on all of our upcoming programs and events
  • On page 3, meet our newest member
  • On page 4, find out how you can volunteer for the upcoming Model UN Conference and RYLA events
  • On page 5, see the many wonderful faces in our crowd

Thank you to Ray McKewon of The Xceptional Music Company for sponsoring the News at our meeting.

Kelly Smith

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Education-Private University Admin, A.A.

Kelly is the Vice President of University Advancement for Point Loma Nazarene University.  She is a former member of the Rochester Rotary Club in New York.

She holds a bachelor’s degree from Roberts Wesleyan College and a master’s degree in American Government from Regent University.

For 11 years, Kelly worked at Roberts Wesleyan College in where she created the Office of Government, Corporate and Foundation Relations.  She moved here to San Diego in June with her family.  Her husband, Shane, is an ordained minister in the Church of the Nazarene.

Kelly enjoys reading, movies, coffee and great conversation.  She likes to play Bunco and is looking for a new team here in San Diego!

Bill Earley was her sponsor.


Rotator – Issue #25, January 17, 2019

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Our next meeting will be on Thursday, January 24. Our guest speaker will be Kyndell Gaglio from Bird, Inc (Electric Scooters).  Click here for additional program details.   Any questions?  Please contact Mary at

Rotator volume105.25

Be sure to read the following stories in The Rotator:

  • On page 2, find information on all of our upcoming programs and events
  • On page 3, meet our newest members
  • On page 4, read about how our Club and Military Affairs Committee recently helped our Coast Guard
  • On page 5, read about how several of  our members and Rotaracts participated in a service project at the International Assembly
  • On page 6, see the many wonderful faces in our crowd

Thank you to Craig Evanco of Evanco Realty Advisors, Inc. for sponsoring the News at our meeting.

Michael LaCroix

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Investment-Wealth Management, Additional Active

Michael is a financial advisor at Morgan Stanley.

He was born and raised in Point Loma.  He attended Southern Methodist University where he studied economics and finance, with plans to join his father, and mentor, in the wealth management industry after graduating.

Michael and his wife Lauren reside in Coronado.  They are very active and love to exercise and hike with their dog.  He also loves the game of golf!

He currently serves on the Finance Committee for Options for All, an organization that serves those with developmental or intellectual disabilities and helps them to develop and find employment.  Michael also taught a church Sunday school program to 4th and 5th graders for a few years.

Camille Newbern, Will Newbern and Tyler Cramer were his sponsors


Dr. Adela de la Torre

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Education-State University Administration

Dr. de la Torre is President of San Diego State University.

She is the ninth permanent president of SDSU and the first woman to serve in that role. She brings with her 30 years of service in leadership roles within institutions of higher education, including the California State University system, the University of Arizona, and the University of California, Davis, where she served as the vice chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Diversity– an area in which she is a national leader.

Dr. de la Torre’s grandparents immigrated to the Central Valley from Mexico. She grew up in the Bay Area, where her grandmother and mother taught her important cultural traditions – the importance of family, the value of hard work and the power of education. Her mother went to Modesto Community College and UC-Berkeley and was a public school teacher for 40 years.  She earned her bachelor’s degree in the political economy of natural resources from UC-Berkeley. Her master’s degree and Ph.D. in agricultural and resource economics are also from UC-Berkeley.

She and husband, Stephen Bartlett, are enjoying life in San Diego and all it has to offer.

Patti Roscoe, Joyce Gattas and Nikki Clay were her sponsors.


Rotator – Issue #24, January 10, 2019

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Our next meeting will be on Thursday, January 17. Our guest speaker will be SDSU President Adela de la Torre.  Click here for additional program details.   Any questions?  Please contact Mary at

Be sure to read the following stories in The RotatorRotator volume105.24

  • On page 2, find information on all of our upcoming programs and events
  • On page 3, meet our newest member and find the results of last Friday’s golf event
  • On page 4, a thank you to the Rotarians who spread some cheer over the holidays
  • On page 5, read about our annual Helping Hands Across The Border trip
  • On page 6, see the many wonderful faces in our crowd 

Thank you to Jim Hughes of Hughes Heritage Plaza for sponsoring our News at the meeting.

Betsy Brennan

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Associations-Downtown San Diego Partnership

Betsy is the President and CEO of Downtown SD Partnership, a nonprofit organization focused on the economic development and cultural vitality of downtown San Diego.

She obtained her Juris Doctor, with a specialization in land use, at the University of San Diego. She also holds Bachelor of Arts degrees in International Politics and Spanish from the University of Richmond in Virginia.

Betsy has received several noteworthy acknowledgements of her community commitment, but one she especially appreciated was SDSU’s Associated Students Presidential Leadership Award for her collaborative style and commitment to working with students.

She is a former member of the San Luis Obispo de Tolosa Rotary Club and the Incline Village Rotary Club (Lake Tahoe, NV).  She lives in Point Loma with her son, Kai, and daughter Cora, and is grateful to enjoy everything San Diego has to offer.

Steve Cushman was her sponsor.