Senior Services-Additional Active
Paula Lemkuil is the Director of Business Development for Belmont Village Senior Living. Among her many talents, poetry helped inspire her self-introduction.
Set to the Fresh Prince of Bel Air Theme Song:
In North Santa Barbara where I was raised
In the city of Goleta, where I spent most of my days
My Mom a Korean lady, met Dad overseas
Grew up with my brother, who now lives with me.
Went to school, got married, and had 4 children
Moved here to San Diego, for a career decision.
My career went from Banking to Real Estate Sales
Until something happened that really made me scared
My Mom got alzheimer’s and I hadn’t a clue
What is it, how does it work, what can I do?
I found I can help others and began a new job
Explaining senior living, dementia & fog.
I’ve been in this career for 14 years
It has brought much joy, happiness & tears.
For fun I host events with friends & fam
I love trying new restaurants & red wine is my Jam
I can play poker and ride a motorcycle too
But being with my grandchildren is my special do.
I volunteer on a few boards in town
Tri City Hospital, UCSD Stein Institute & the Alzheimer’s Association
Are part of my rounds.
Thank you to Ed Mracek for sponsoring me here
Along with Larry Showley, & Amnon Ben-Yehuda, what a dear.
Thank you for these minutes to share who I am
I look forward to meeting as many of you as I can.